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Detail of Person

Upload a statement explaining the alleged abuser’s conduct.
Allowed file type (png, jpg, docx, pdf)
Upload one or more of the following:
  1. Proof of the alleged abuser’s appearance in court for abuse (a copy of the case papers).
    Allowed file type (png, jpg, docx, pdf)

  2. Proof that his/her victim received support from a refuge centre (copy of the centre’s records of the victim’s attendance).
    Allowed file type (png, jpg, docx, pdf)

  3. A corroborating letter, on headed paper, from a doctor, solicitor, priest, vicar, imam, rabbi, police, hospital, other support center, which confirms the above named person’s alleged abuse.
    Allowed file type (png, jpg, docx, pdf)

    Without corroboration the allegation will be unsubstantiated. This is to protect the innocent.

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